thisis_myworld Jun 16, 2009 21:27
mireille, no longer data, unhackable, *event end, logging off, hackable, pretending things are all right, private, this isn't the world..., kitten, hikaru
thisis_myworld Jun 02, 2009 06:59
furious, you all are crazy, false memories, no longer data, paranoia, unhackable, hackable, nightmares, i hate people, fay, private, hikaru, don't fuck with me, voice, filter, morganna, bear, father, cyrus/akagi, people suck, selfish people, memory problems, fragments, this isn't the world..., tsukasa = emoface
thisis_myworld Apr 20, 2009 16:12
hospital, voice, hurt, the church, clinic, memory problems, this isn't the world..., church, tsukasa = emoface, not hulle granz cathedral, nurses
thisis_myworld Jan 01, 2009 18:58
this isn't the world..., private, tsukasa = emoface, unhackable, subaru